Veronika Makarenko

2 years old
DATE OF DEATH: 28.04.2023

Hello, I am Veronika Makarenko from Dnipro. My mum Olha and I were killed by a Russian missile that flew right into our house. I was sleeping in my crib. My dad tried to save us, but he couldn't because of the fire that started after the attack. 

I was two years old. I grew up a calm girl, interested in everything. I loved it when my mum, dad and grandmother read me books - they took turns. I had a lot of toys. I adored my toy kitchen. I could "cook" something there for several hours. My other hobbies were kittens, puppies, pets - I loved watching them. And even insects. 

At the age of two, I could already tell fairy tales by myself and knew the poem "Ukraine is my native land". And after the outbreak of full-scale war, I learned to sing "Chervona Kalyna" in my own way.

After 24 February 2022, my parents and I moved from a large residential area to a private neighbourhood. It seemed to be calmer there and we could feel safe. Every day, I went with my parents to see horses and cows - I liked them so much. 

The murder of me and my mum Olha caused a lot of pain to my family. My father was left alone - without his daughter and wife...